Sub-County Health Records Officer (SCHRIO) Role


In order to try out the functions contained in this section, it is assumed that one has read the Introduction section and has logged into the system and also referred to the implementation guide. A copy of the KMHFL implementation guide can be downloaded here.

This is the officer who operates at the Sub-county level.

The main responsibility include:
  1. Registering new facilities
  2. Updating facility details
  3. Upgrading and downgrading facilities
  4. Creating the facility officers

Viewing Facilities in User’s Sub-County

To list facilities in the logged in user’s sub-county one should click on the facilities link in the main navigation bar. The diagram below illustrates this action.

Viewing Facilities in the Sub-county

Creating Facilities

To create a new facility, the user should click the Add Facility button in the facilities grid shown above.

On clicking the button, a screen with sections labelled 1 to 5 is displayed.

1) Basic Details

This section contains the basic (primary) details of a facility. This section must be filled out in order to proceed to the other sections.

Add a Facility's Basic Details

2) Geo-location Details

After filling in the basic details, one is allowed to proceed to the second section of the screen where a facility’s geocodes are entered.

The marker on the map can be dragged in order to update the coordinates of a facility.

Add a Facility's Geo-location Details

3) Facility Contacts Details

A facility’s contacts are captured in this section. The contacts can be as many as a facility has e.g. postal, email, mobile, fax, landline etc.

Add a Facility's Contacts

4) Facility Regulation Details

This section captures the departments in a hospital such as laboratories and pharmacies. The departments are picked from the drop down menu.

Add a Facility's Departments

5) Facility Service Details

This section captures the services offered in a facility. One picks a category from the widget on the left which populates the services under that category in the widget on the right. One can select the option level which a facility offers a certain service.

Add a Facility's Services

Facility Created

On clicking the Submit button after adding the services, the user is redirected to a screen where they can review the information entered. It is at this screen that the user can also print the facility’s cover report.

Facility Created Successfully

Updating a Facilty’s Details

To update a facility, one can start by Viewing all facilities, then picking the desired facility from the list as shown below.

List of Facilities

The process of editing a facility is very similar to the creation process, the only difference being there is an option out of the process by clicking the Finish button at the bottom of every screen as the figures below show:

The Edit Button
The Finish Button

Approved and Rejected Facilities

Once a facility is created or updated, it has to be approved by the County Health Records Information Officer (CHRIO).

To see the facilities that have been approved or those that have been rejected, the user should click on the approved facilities and the rejected facilities tabs respectively on the side bar as the screen below shows.

The Aproved/Rejected Facilities Grid

Closed Facilities

To list the facilities that have been closed, the user should click on the closed facilities tab on the side bar. The screen below illustrates that action.

The Closed Faciltiies Grid

Facility Officer’s Management

The Sub-county Health Records information officer can create users with read only rights to view facilities in the MFL administration system. These users are referred to as facility officers.

Viewing Users (Facility Officers)

To list facility officers the SCHRIO should click on the users tab on the main nagivation bar.

Viewing Users

Adding Facility Officers

From the facility officers list screen above, the SCHRIO should click on the Add User button. On clicking the button a screen with three section labeled 1-3 appears.

1) Basic details

This is the first section of adding a facility officer. The primary details ( names, email, employee number and password) are entered in this section.

Add Facility Officer Basic Details

2) User Contacts

In this section the facility officer’s contacts are captured. The contacts can be as many as the officer has and could range from phone number, email to postal address among others.

Add Facility Officer Contacts

Assign Officer to Group

This is the final section to adding the facility officer. The SCHRIO assigns the officer the facility officer group and clicks the Update button.

Add Facility Officer Group

The SCHRIO is redirected to the list of users screen and the created officer appears in the list. This is an indication that the officer has been created and can login to the system.

Facility Officer Created and Shown in Grid

Community Health Units Management

The SCHRIO is also charged with managing Community Health Units.

Viewing Community Health Units

To list community health units the SCHRIO click on the Community Health Units tab on the main navigation bar.

Viewing Community Health Units

Creating Community Health Units

Creating Community Health Units is a two step process. From the Community Health Units list screen the SCHRIO clicks on Add Unit button.

Basic Details

This is the first section where the primary details of the community health unit are captured. The details include: name, linked health facility, households monitored and the contacts

Fill in a Community Units Basic Details

Adding Community health Extension Workers

This is the second and final step. In this section the Community Heath Extension workers belonging to the Community Health Unit are added.

Add CHEWs to a Community Unit

After successfully creation of community health unit, the created unit should appear on the community health unit list screen.

Updating Community Health Units

Updating a community health Unit is similar to the adding a community health unit process

Approved/Rejected Community Health Units

Just like the facilities, a created/updated community health unit has to be approved by the CHRIO before the updated details can be seen by the public. However, this applies for community health units that have been approved before. For community health units that have not been been approved, updates made to them reflect on the public immediately.

To list the approved units, the SCHRIO should click on the approved units tab from the side bar. Similary, to list the rejected community health units, the SCHRIO clicks on the rejected units tab on the side bar.

Rejected and Approved Community Health Units