Synchronization with regulatorsΒΆ


In order to try out the functions contained in this section, it is assumed that one has read the Introduction section and has logged into the system and also referred to the implementation guide. A copy of the KMHFL implementation guide can be downloaded here.

The Kenya Master Health Facility List will be communicating with the regulator’s system to determine the facilities that have been registered by the regulators and not yet in the KMFHL. Such facilities will be pushed to MFL under the regulators sync section.

The regulator sync tab is located in the facilities side-bar as the screen-shot below shows:

Location of the regulator sync tab

If facilities have been pushed to KMFHL, the list will look as follows:

Facilities pushed by regulators

To indicate that a facility is in MFL click on the update button on the screen as shown above.

A screen with possible matches such as the one shown below will appear. Go through the list and pick the facility that matches the one pushed by regulators and click on validate.

Location of the regulator sync tab

To see further details of the facility click on the name of the facility. If there is need to print the facility details, the print button will be provided in the facilities page.


If the desired facility is not in KMFHL, follow the process of registering a new facility and the come back to this screen and follow the steps above again.


On clicking validate, the facility will be be updated with a registration number from the regulators and the regulators will be able to get the MFL code of the facility. The facility will then disappear from the regulator synchronization screen

The screen will be visible to the national level officers, the CHRIOs and the SCHRIOs.
  1. It is the duty of the SCHRIOs to match the pushed facilities to the ones in MFL.
  2. The CHRIO ensures that the facilities pushed have been resolved(matched to the correct facility in MFL).
  3. The national officers oversee this process